On the 6.th of January comes from the sea the Befana (an old lady carrying toys for the children).We are waiting you for lunch in Stella d'Oro.
La befana la va in palùo
col vestito de velùo
co' le scarpe de cartòn
là la balarà benòn
In Marano people speak "Maranese" language, a special dialect which differs from the ones spoken in Veneto because all terminations of words end with the vocal "o".
This holiday is a mixture of Christian and pagan legends.
Although many legends were born around San Valentine, the truest one might be the following:
Valentine was a man of Church living in Rome at the very beginning of the years of Christianity.
Emperor Claudius II ordered his soldiers not to marry nor to get engaged, fearing they might prefer staying at home instead than following him at war.
Valentine did not obey the Emperor's law and secretely married many young couples.
He was finally arrested and sentenced to death on the 14.th of February, 270 a.C.
This is the reason why Valentine is remembered as protector of the lovers.
During this day, in our restaurant, we will cook a special Valentine dinner for all lovers.
For more information, refer to the"LAST MINUTE" page.
Our restaurant celebrates this special day with a special dinner menu. During the happening the most beautiful masquerades will get a prize.
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
If you who book in advance we will cook our special menu with traditional dish: " herrings of the Ashes' Wednesday".
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
Marano and Grado lagoons are a unique place. The laggons begin at one side with Isonzo river and end at the other side with Tagliamento river, therefore being 32 km long, 5 km large. Altogether they measure 16.000 hectars.
Lagoons are closed to the sea by isles and sand isles. Marano lagoon, which lays in the west, is very rich of water since here end all major rivers of the region.A great variety of flowers live at the mouth of the greatest of these rivers, Stella river.In the reed beds live a great variety of aquatic birds, who find here home and food.
The whole mouth of Stella river, 1423 hectars big, constitues the Marano Oasis, born by will of Region Friuli Venezia Giulia on the 25.th of June, 1976.Marano city and WWF together watch the Oasis so that no hunting is allowed within the Oasis.
The importance of this area around Stella River has been declared on the 11.th of April, 1979 with a State Law that declares: this zone is of international value for aquatic birds, as per Ramsar convention.
Today the Oasis is a "Natural Regional Zone" with the name "Mouth of Stella River".
At the mouth of the River you can still find "casoni", which are typical houses made in straw.
The casoni speak of ancient times.
They were used in the past by fishers, when boats, named "batele", moved too slowly and hardly in the lagoon.
They were used so that fishers could live all week in those casoni, avoiding to move slowly and hardly.
Casoni were of course made with the typical product of the lagoon, that is reed beds.
Today inhabitants are using them for different reasons than fishing, but although they could use modern materials, they still build them the traditional way.
We will spend a wonderful night together with a special menu thought for all the Woman.
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
As per our traditions our restaurant celebrates with a great menu for a great holiday. We beg you to book well in advance so that you will not miss this great appointment.
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
Always shines the sun in "Stella d'Oro" restaurant, even when the weather is rainy during the Monday after Easter holiday.
The best day to celebrate: Mothers' day.
For more information, refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page.
"Sweety and salty": the Agency of Touristic Promotion of Lignano Sabbiadoro and Marano Lagoon organizes trips with the motorboat.
The tourists will discover natural beauties, and typical cooking.
Leaving with the motorboat from Lignano Sabbiadoro, you will arrive in Marano. There there will be a guided visit at the Valle Canal Nuovo Oasis and the guests will dinner at one of the restaurant joining this happening.
Therefore you will be able to have dinner in our restaurant.
After dinner, Marano Council organizes live music concerts in Vittorio Emanuele II Square, in front of our restaurant.
This happening is having a great success among tourists.
If you would like to have dinner at "Stella d'Oro", please tell the Azienda di Promozione Turistica of Lignano Sabbiadoro, in Via Latisana 42, telephone 0431/71821, or inform their office, situated in Lignano Pineta in Via dei Pini, telephone 0431/422169.
On the 15.th of June we celebrate both Saint Vito holiday and Saint Modesto and Saint Crescenza holiday.
Women pray this way: Saint Vito please give me a good husband, Saint Modesto please tell him to arrive soon, Saint Crescenza please I do not want to stay alone any more.
Saint Vito holiday is the most peculiar holiday in Marano, and it has made Marano famous in Italy.
The raw of boats during this day is one of the most intesting traditional holidays you can still watch.
The row of boats leaves in the morning of the first Sunday after the 15.th of June.
The boats leave from the Church at 8.20 in the morning, carrying both tourists and inhabitants of Marano.
In the centre of the lagoon the priest says a short prayer, then flowers are thrown in the water to remember those who died working in the sea.
Then boats go back to the cemetery where a Holy Mass is celebrated.
Around 12.30 the priest followed by the people pass in front of our restaurant and then the celebration ends in the Church.
The raw of boats during this day is one of the most intesting traditional holidays you can still watch.
The row of boats leaves in the morning of the first Sunday after the 15.th of June.
The boats leave from the Church at 8.20 in the morning, carrying both tourists and inhabitants of Marano.
In the centre of the lagoon the priest says a short prayer, then flowers are thrown in the water to remember those who died working in the sea.
Then boats go back to the cemetery where a Holy Mass is celebrated.
Around 12.30 the priest followed by the people pass in front of our restaurant and then the celebration ends in the Church.
Linea Marittima
Marano - Lignano - Marano.
Since June 2001 Marano is linked to Lignano with a motorboat.
This boat leaves for Lignano only during the summer, four times a day.
It is quite an interesting experience, and your kids will love to leave the car in the garage and have a walk in the little streets of Marano
Please refer to the "LAST MINUTE" page to get to know all happenings in Stella d'Oro and in Marano
This celebration takes place every 3 years.
It is a similar celebration than the Venice celebration of the Madonna of the Health.
Starting from Venice, a similar celebration was spread in all territories under domination of the Venetian Republic.
In Marano, of course, because of the climate, diseases hit hard the population until the end of last century.
Since1950, thanks to Mr. Galletti, celebration became less religious and more popular, because of the happenings, such as live music concerts, events on the water, fireworks, and so on.
In the morning of the 15.th of August, a priest celebrates the Holy Mass.
In the afternoon the popolation carries the statue of Mary into a boat.
Then the boat, salutated by the people, leaves for the cemetery and stays there until night.
During the night then the boat with Mary comes back, accompanied by fireworks and the torches carried by sub.
Then the statue is carried in Great Square (in front of our restaurant) and the priest makes a sermon to the people.
We invite you not to miss such an opportunity and to book well in advance so that you can watch the all scene from our upper room.
Next time the celebration will take place in 2016.
It is well known that spirits of the dead come back on this night, searching for someone to possess the following year.
Celtics thought that during this night, all phisical laws could be stopped. There was no more time, nor space laws, the world of the alive and the world of the dead became one thing.
Of course living people did not want to be possessed! Therefore people living in the villages in that night made their houses cold and unfriendly, they did not light the fire, they made their bodies look horrible.
They would use monster masks and they would go around the village scaring to death all the spirits they would meet.
Even at "Stella d'Oro" you will find a trace of these spirits…
Menues for groups of people and firms (for more than 35 people, we will offer live music with no charge).
Much of its fortune, Marano owns to the commerce of the fish: it was once food for poorly people, it is now food for the rich.
The fish market in Marano is one of the biggest market in the North of Italy, due to the goodness of the fish and the ability of the people working in this market.
Tourists can watch the price making of fish qualities every day, from 14.00 o'clock until 16.00 o'clock.
It is often said: celebrate Christmas with your family, celebrate Easter with everybody else! However, if the family celebrates at Stella d'Oro, can live a true Italian tradition.
Open all day long, with a'la carte menu.
Even in this magic night, Stella d'Oro wants to give their customers a wonderful "Cenone" (meaning "big dinner"), with the best dishes made during the year, and of course Champagne at midnight together with the dish of fortune: "cotechino and lenticchie"!